Quality websites for entrepreneurs and small businesses
Building stand-out websites to
make your business shine.
We’re focused on building accessible, user-friendly websites that
convert ideas and what-if’s into action. . . and having a good time while we’re at it.
Disclaimer, before you continue scrolling:
Have you heard the story about the cobbler’s kids who have no shoes?
This (website) is sort of that. But – I am actively working on it!
I’ve been so grateful for a steady flow of client work and new referrals.
The only downside is that it’s forced my own web project to take a back seat.
Stay tuned – it shouldn’t be much longer 😉
Be well,
Kara Schoonveld
Last updated November 12, 2023
In the meantime…
I won’t leave you hanging *too* much.
Feel free to reach out directly if you want to talk about an upcoming project.
Please also check out our guide to getting your next project off to a winning start. Or, if you already have a website you love, learn how to find out if it’s giving you the return you’re looking for.
With either guide, you’ll get a handful of emails along with it to help your project be as successful as possible.
Contact Kara
Free guide on winning website projects
5 steps to help make your next web project meet and exceed everyone’s expectations.
Is your website working for you?
6 key focus areas to make sure your website is giving you the return you need.