Quality websites for entrepreneurs and small businesses

Building stand-out websites to
make your business shine.

We’re focused on building accessible, user-friendly websites that convert ideas and what-if’s into action, and having a good time while we’re at it.

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Your website comes down to three things

There are loads of things to consider when designing and developing your website.
Here at SiteWorks Collaborative, it boils down to these three things:

Why these three things? Easy – this is the winning combo to convert casual visitors into loyal customers:
Make it stand out, easy and intuitive, and without barriers.

Featured Work

Check out some of our work. Our clients range from grassroots nonprofits to service providers to thought leaders and creators and more.
We build solutions to meet complex goals that include membership sites, learning management system (online classes), eCommerce, and more.

Mockup of the MSP Radio Store home page.

MSP Radio

The MSP Radio storefront gives vendors an opportunity to advertise with popular podcasts their prospective users subscribe to.
Mockup of the MSP Mastered home page.

MSP Mastered

MSP Mastered provides training, downloads, and support to IT Service Providers
Mockup of the ITSPU home page.

IT Service Provider University

ITSPU offers on-demand education, learning pathways, and more.
Mockup of the Dos Coyotes home page.

Dos Coyotes

A 10-location restaurant serving fresh, local, southwestern cuisine.
Mockup of the SMB Community Podcast home page.

SMB Community Podcast

Dynamically import and publish podcasts, newsletter subscription.
Mockup of the NSITSP home page.

National Society of IT Service Providers

The NSITSP seeks to establish high standards and ethics, and to improve the perception and credibility of the IT profession through actions driven by member engagements.
Mockup of the GH Pride home page.

Grand Haven Pride

Built to support events, receive payments, subscription-type payments, and loaded with back-end automations to keep the team informed.
Mockup of the Picture This Video home page.

Picture This Video

Picture This Video provides award-winning, script-to-screen video production for non-profits, small businesses, and educational entities.
Mockup of the SBT Community home page.

Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community

The Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community is a membership-based site for IT Professional that includes trainings, events, and 100s of downloads.
Mockup of the Caffe home page.


Clothing and Food for Everyone – a nonprofit website I did for free to support grassroots efforts.
Mockup of the SBT Bookstore home page.

SBT Bookstore

The Small Biz Thoughts Bookstore is an eCommerce storefront offering the best-selling business consulting books for IT Service Providers.
Mockup of the Engage homepage.


E.N.G.A.G.E. stands for “Engaging Neighbors to Generate Action via Grassroots Efforts”. This site was built for free to support a nonprofit doing humanitarian work in my local community.
Mockup of The RAD RT home page.


The RAD RT combines life coaching with Recreation Therapy to provide dynamic, client-focused sessions customized toward their specific goals.
Mockup of the Pathways to Recreation home page.

Pathways to Recreation

Pathways to Recreation provides integrated community-based opportunities for all

Want your new project to be successful from the start?
Check out our free guide on 5 Steps to a Winning Website Project.

Small serving small
(businesses, that is)

SiteWorks Ethos

At this level, relationships are foundational to not only the success of a web project, but also to enjoying the day-to-day. I work hard to develop trust, demonstrate integrity, and welcome new clients into the SiteWorks fam with enthusiasm.

We believe in follow through

Ya know those people or companies that say they’re going to do something and then when it’s time to do it there’s just. . . crickets? That’s not us. We do the things we say we will.

We believe in Good Communication

We need to be on the same page and with a common understanding of goals, progress, and any changes. We strive to provide regular updates and check-ins via email and Zoom. No one should have to second guess the status of their project, but if you do, you should feel very welcome to ask questions!

We Believe this Should be Fun

I mean . . . there are always tedious details to get through, but on the whole, we love designing and developing websites that help our clients reach their goals. And, we choose to work with nice, communicative people – that always helps!